Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thanksgiving Week

Last Monday Emma and I left town to go visit my parents, her Grandmom and Granddad, for a few days before Thanksgiving. Emma had a great time there. She loves to play in the yard, looks for the kitties, and explore. When it's time for Grandmom to feed the cats, she claps her hands and calls for Callie and Scruffy. Emma quickly learned this brings the kitties running, and she was soon calling "Callie, Callie" and clapping her hands together!

Grandmom and Granddad just live 2 blocks from the train tracks, and we took Emma to see the trains several times. She would point and say "my train!". I told her that they were her trains but they had to keep going and make their deliveries. We also picked pecans and Emma enjoyed eating them. Once she spit out a big mouth full of pecans, I guess she got a bitter one.

She enjoyed swinging on the porch swing with Granddad.

She had fun playing with Grandmom's hat.


On Wednesday evening Daddy arrived from Austin and we set out for Lindale to visit Grandma and Grandpa. Emma was really good on the drive. We sang the "Wheels on the Bus" for a long time, and it eventually evolved into a weird Star Wars version! For example, we sang " The Yoda on the bus goes "there is no try", "there is no try", "there is no try", etc. It was fun and Emma enjoyed hearing new words to a favorite song.

Thursday we had Thanksgiving with Grandpa and Grandma, Uncle Todd, Great Uncle Rickey and Great Aunt Sharon, and Tony's cousin David, his wife Susan, and their kids, Chance and Chloe. Chloe is about a week younger than Emma, so they enjoyed playing together. It was nice to have kids running around playing together. Unfortunately I wasn't feeling great on Thursday so I didn't get any pictures on Thanksgiving. I did get a few pictures of Emma playing the bass and mandolin and I posted those previously.

Emma loved the bass and kept asking anyone who would listen to take her back into the back bedroom so she could look at it. She lovingly padded it and told it "hi bass" many times. She also slept great while in Lindale, going until 7:30 most days and 8am once. She also starting singing the Barney song very clearly, getting more and more words in the song. I just love to hear her sing that song!

It was a good week despite my getting sick, but we were glad to be home on Sunday. Now it's time to get ready for Christmas and a certain little girl's two year birthday!

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