Thursday, May 31, 2012

Nathan is 20 months old!

Nathan turned 20 months old last Thursday, May 24!  He's fast approaching 2 years old!  He's learning more words every day.  He loves Emma and calls her "Nemo".  New words that he's said include: monkey, jeep, pink, purple, blue, snail, snake, egg, and truck.  These are just the ones that I can remember.  He's becoming independent and wants to do many things on his own.  He climbs up the stairs well and is learning to walk down while holding my hand.  He wants to eat exactly whatever Emma is eating. This means that if I cut up fruit for him, he gets mad and refuses to eat it, because Emma eats fruit whole or in large chunks.  He wants to eat a whole apple, whole grapes, etc.  So I have to cut Emma's apple into wedges so that Nathan will eat it that way, he chews on it down to the skin.  

His bottom two canines have finally pushed through.  So we are waiting on the top canines and the (4) 2 year molars.  He's still taking a good nap everyday, usually from 11am-1pm, give or take 30 minutes here or there.  He's usually asleep by 7:30pm and up around 6:30am.  

We've been swimming a few times this summer and he loves the water.  We have a small pool in the backyard with a slide and he and Emma both have a good time out there.    

He loves to play with trains and cars, making the cutest little boy sounds as he pushes them along the floor.  When he wakes up in the morning, he immediately wants to wake Emma up.  She's the same though, always wanting Nathan first in the morning.  I hope the love they have know for each other now will only grow as they do.  

Nathan is starting to really love his Daddy these days.  He gives Daddy big hugs and high-fives.  When Daddy goes to work we all gather at the door and say goodbye.  Nathan waves and says 'bye-bye'.  He will sit with Daddy and look at comic books and have a good time.

Nathan really loves to be outside, running and climbing.  He likes to color and marker, play with chalk, ride his trike or play with cars and trains.  He's just a happy little guy and we love him so much!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

First French braid!

Emma let me French braid her hair today. Not too bad considering she was turning her head all over and Nathan was crawling on me!

Friday, May 25, 2012


Emma and the large catfish swarming for food! Nathan would not go near the tanks!

Holding hands

The kids with new haircuts, holding hands. This is at our visit to the Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center in Athens, Tx.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Look at my cars!

Nathan lined up his cars in a row. He's in just a diaper because he's not feeling well and I've already changed his clothes several times today!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Outside play

Back float

Emma practicing the back float with assistance at swim lessons. Emma is taking lessons for two weeks in May and the first two weeks in June.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Emma and Mommy

Hawaiian theme at the Mother's Day Tea.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Nathan learning to ride a scooter!

Hoping this video will work!

Feeding chickens!

Emma feeding the chickens.

Kids coop

Emma and Nathan inside the chicken yard.

Chicken run!

Nathan walking up the ramp to the chicken coop!

In the chicken yard

Nathan inside our neighbor's chicken yard.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Emma's Drawing

Emma's drawing

Emma and her friends playing soccer! sorry I couldn't get it turned the right way!

Saturday, May 5, 2012


Ready to jump!

Kids climbing together!


I love it when Emma gives a ride to Nathan on this trike! They both have so much fun!

Personal canvas

Nathan decided to marker his face!

Saturday fun