Thursday, July 29, 2010

You got a friend in me, part 2.

You Got A Friend In Me

Today I was able to get some great video of Emma singing "You've Got A Friend In Me", from Toy Story. It was so cute and I'm so glad I was able to catch it on video. She doesn't quite know all the words, but it's still so cute!

This is part one of two!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Emma is 31 months old!

Today Emma is 31 months old, (2 years and 7 months)!

She is pretty much directly in the middle of the terrible two's. We are coping and hoping this stage passes quickly! She just had her first weekend and overnight visit with Grandmom and Granddad Mangrum. She had a great time and did very well. She was happy to be there and also happy to come home.

She has started asking 'why?' quite a bit! I guess it was inevitable, but I can't believe it's here already! She is so smart and picks up on so much we say. She can also turn on the water at the bathroom sinks, and she loves to wash her hands. I think she just asks to wash her hands as an excuse to play in the water, because she'd wash her hands for hours if I let her!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Baby Boy Week 30 Update

Today I went to the doctor for my 30 week appointment. Emma went along and she did great, the best behaved she's ever been there! Of course it was a fast appointment and that helped too, we were only there 40 minutes total. But I still got to see my doctor for about 15 minutes and ask all our questions. I love her, she always gives her full attention and I've never felt rushed out of the office.

The baby is still side to side, but it's not time for him to turn yet anyway. His heart rate is good, my blood pressure is good too. My gestational diabetes test was negative and also my iron is good, so I'm not anemic. My weight gain was 8 pounds over the last month, so 28 pounds total. My doctor thinks by the next appointment in two weeks, I'll have only gained 3 pounds. I hope that's all. So we are now going every two weeks! This baby is coming sooner than we think! The doctor told me I'll be considered full term in 7 weeks! 7 weeks, I've got to get moving on things around here.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Dance Class #2

Today was Emma's second dance class. It went much better than last week. Emma stayed on her circle mat most of the time and even participated in about half of the stretching exercises.

There were only 4 students this week instead of 6, and I think the extra attention also helped Emma. She is still mostly just jumping around instead of doing the actual ballet and tap moves but at least she's not just running around with complete disregard to the instructors. Well, at least not all the time!

The studio is pretty large and most of the time they were on the far end of the studio, so it was hard to see through the one way mirror-window. I did get a few shots through the mirror when Emma happened to be directly in from of me. The quality is not that good, but here are a few I took today.

The Studio. You can see the door and mirror-window in the large mirror that runs the length of the opposite wall.

Hoop Jumping. They were supposed to do a ballet jump or leap of some kind from one hoop to the next.

The instructor helping Emma position her feet.

Emma jumping.

Most of the second part of class was tap dancing, but they were so far on the other side of the room I could only get this half shot of Emma.

One last picture of Emma, sorry it's blurry. Lest you think Emma is dancing to Swan Lake, she's not. This is the one time she was blissfully running/dancing around the room instead of following instructions!

One picture I didn't get was so cute. They made a conga line of the 4 girls and had them tap dance over to the water fountain in the studio. Emma was first! I'm not sure they were actually tap dancing, but it looked so cute! Unfortunately I could barely see it myself and the camera wouldn't pick it up through the mirror/window.

Ready for dance class.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Dance class

Today was Emma's first day in dance class. Overall it went very well and I think she had fun. It was a hurried morning trying to get her ready and to class on time, so I didn't get any pictures before we left. Once we got there, it was chaotic with parents and kids everywhere, so I didn't get any before class. Parents aren't allowed in the room during the class, but I was able to watch Emma through a mirror/window combination that allows the parents to see the kids but the kids just see a mirror.

The first 15 minutes of class was spent stretching, and you can imagine how impressed Emma was with that! She just rolled around on the floor, not really participating in the stretching. Then she really started to get upset. I could just imagine her thinking to herself "Mommy said we were going to dance, well this isn't dancing and I'm done!" Thankfully they stopped stretching and started dancing about that time. First they all got butterfly wings to wear. They were supposed to follow the instructor around the room in a line, doing certain ballet moves, but it was mostly a toddler-wearing-butterfly-wings free for all, with the kids dancing all around the room. Emma loved it!

They eventually changed shoes and put on their tap shoes. Emma didn't really get the heel and toe tapping, but we'll work on it. She mostly kicked the wall or just jumped on both feet, but she was having fun. There were a few times when the two instructors lined the kids up against the wall and then did some individual instruction with each kid. Emma didn't really like waiting again the wall, and I think they had to set her back again the wall about 30 times, but she'll learn. I hope we can play dance class at home and now that I've seen the class I can help prepare her for the next one and hopefully she'll listen a little better.

Towards the end I knew she was getting very tired, because she started laying down on the floor! Poor girl, she was up late and still isn't eating much for breakfast these days. After the class it was parents and kids everywhere again, and we had to stop at the grocery store, so I didn't get a picture until until we got home. She was more interested in her sucker from HEB than helping to make the picture cute, so this is what I got. Maybe next time I'll be able to get something cute!

Also, I finally posted the 30 month update. I posted it under 6/28/10 so that it's in the right date order on the blog, but here is a quick link if you want to read it:

Saturday, July 10, 2010
