Monday, June 1, 2009

No and Neigh!

Today Emma told me “no!” at least three times! I guess she is getting into that stage of testing her boundaries. She also hit me a few times today. She seemed very frustrated and she didn’t use her signs even when I asked her too. I had to put her in “time out” a few times because of the hitting.

She also said “neigh” for the first time. She saw a horse on TV and said “neigh” to me. That’s one of the harder animal sounds for her and I’m proud that she can now neigh like a horse. For anyone keep track (me), she can quack, moo, baa, meow, ruff, and neigh. I hope oink is next!

I forgot to mention in my last post that Emma now uses the sign for baby, holding her arms and making a rocking motion as if she was holding a baby. She’s also very attached to her blanket that’s she had since she was very little. It’s a little pink Winnie the Pooh snuggle blanket and she loves it now. She wants to carry it everywhere in the house, but so far she hasn’t tried to take it out with us. Luckily I have an extra one in case one gets lost.

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