Sunday, June 28, 2009

Emma is 18 months old!


This morning we took Emma in for her 18 month wellness visit. She received one vaccination and is done with those until she's 4 years old! She weights 26.6 pounds and is 34 inches tall! She's in the 97% percentile for height and head circumference, and 75% percentile for weight. Also I forgot to say below that Emma knows two numbers, eight and nine, and loves to count using just these two.


She’s growing, learning and changing so fast! New words and almost words are coming every day! There are so many things I want to write, so I’m just going to list everything that comes to mind about what Emma is now doing or saying.

She is mostly sleeping through the night, from about 7:30pm to 7:00am. She naps from about 1-3:30 or 4pm every day. The 3 hour naps are so nice!

Emma can sign for food when she’s hungry.

Emma can answer a Yes or No question pretty well, mostly if the answer is ‘No’. She’s not quite saying ‘Yes’ yet. Mostly the questions are if she’s hungry or if she wants to outside or upstairs to play.

She loves her baby doll and carries it and loves it a lot.

She’s starting to like to drink juice, mostly apple and white grape juice. She still doesn’t like cow’s milk.

She is still learning to use a spoon but getting better at it.

She loves the pool and playing the tub too.

She can point to her nose, eyes, ears, hair, head, feet, toes, knees, and lips.

She understands ‘hot’ and will blow on her food when it’s too hot.

She can say ‘hot’, ‘hat’, ‘mine’, what is it’, and ‘where did it go’. She can say ‘Elmo’, ‘Ernie’, ‘Zoe” and ‘Big Bird’. She is talking so much but we can’t understand all of it yet.

She will still eat the cat food if I don’t pick it up off the floor.

She loves lotion and I’ve taught her to put it on her hands, and rub her hands together.

She hates to have her diaper changed and I’m now getting good at changing it when she is standing up (pee diapers only!)

She can sing part of the song “Old MacDonald” that goes “E-I-E-I-O”, except she says “I-E-I-E-O” or sometimes just “I-I-I-I-O”.

She’s so friendly and sweet, and will give hugs and kisses to just about anyone. I ask for kisses about 20 times a day and she almost always will give me one.

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