He's obsessed with getting up on the couch and anytime I sit down, he's crying for me to put him up on the couch. When I do set him up there, he gets the biggest grin and runs to the end, where he tries to dive over the arm rest. I catch him by the ankle before he goes over of course! Most of the time I sit on the floor just to avoid that whole scene. I forgot how exhausting a toddler can be! I can't load or unload the dishwasher if he's awake, and I have to keep all the bathroom doors shut at all times! He loves to play in the tupperware/plastics cabinet in the kitchen, so it's always a mess from him getting the stuff out.
Nathan's interest in solid food seems to be waning. I'm getting a little frustrated with him, he won't even try most foods now. He just pushes it away or smears the food on his tray. I hope this is just a phase and maybe related to the extreme teething pain he's dealing with now. He must have the slowest moving teeth ever! He's got three on the top that have broken through the gum but they aren't fully descended yet. One more is about to break through, and then he'll have 6. Still 14 more teeth to go, and I'm not looking forward to the molars or canines.
Nathan received two ride-on toys for his birthday, and he's really loving them. He is getting really good at getting on and off on his own, and he loves to stand on the seat and point and talk to us. He can make the car go backwards by pushing his feet, but he's not yet discovered how to go forward.

Nathan is learning to brush his teeth. He mostly just chews on the brush but I'm trying to get the routine established of brushing before bedtime. We'll add mornings when he has more teeth!
Nathan is such a snuggler and loves to give hugs! He loves to hug Emma and roll around with her on the floor. He's talking more and more, although he doesn't know any real words yet. His comprehension is great, he understands many of the things we tell him. He's sweet, smart and we love him so much!
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