Thursday, January 13, 2011

No More Milk - for me!

I took Nathan to the dr yesterday due to his continuing tummy issues. The dr wants me to try eliminating dairy from my diet, as she suspects he is sensitive to milk proteins. I tried this when he was about 6-8 weeks for a few weeks and he seemed to get better, and I slowly started enjoying diary again. But now he is having obvious stomach pains all day and night so we are trying again. Since I get about half of my daily calories from diary, I am hoping this will help me lose the rest of my baby weight.

He weighed in 16 pounds, 10 ounces! I knew he was getting big, I almost can't carry him in the car seat carrier anymore.

I can't leave out the latest on Emma. On Dec. 31st, I started putting her in panties during the day. The first 2 days we had a couple of accidents each day, but since then she is using the potty all day, at home, school, and when we are out! It's so nice to have her out of diapers, the washing machine was running all day and night with two kids in cloth diapers! She is still wearing one at night but I am not rushing that change. One of the ways I know she stays hydrated is to let her drink lots of water before bed, so I think it will be a while before we change that.

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