Saturday, September 4, 2010

Round Rock Express Game

Last night we went to our first Round Rock Express baseball game. A colleague of Tony's invited us to go so we decided why not? Sure I'm 9 months pregnant and Emma is not really into sitting in a seat, but let's try it!

We actually had a fabulous time! The weather was wonderfully cool and we had great seats behind the first base line. Emma was a bit unruly at first because she wanted to play on the playground. They had a great little play area and once she got that out of her system she was fairly happy to stand by her seat. Between plays they would play different songs and she enjoyed that. That's when I was able to record her doing the Chicken Dance. We tried to get her to watch the game a bit but we were mostly just talking and visiting anyway. We were out late, we didn't leave the game until 9:30. But we came home and all went to bed in our bed by 11pm. So let me tell you, keeping Emma up 3 hrs past her bed time will get you...30 extra minutes of sleep! Yes, she slept until about 7:15 this morning. But it was worth it and I think we'll be going back next season!

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