There were only 4 students this week instead of 6, and I think the extra attention also helped Emma. She is still mostly just jumping around instead of doing the actual ballet and tap moves but at least she's not just running around with complete disregard to the instructors. Well, at least not all the time!
The studio is pretty large and most of the time they were on the far end of the studio, so it was hard to see through the one way mirror-window. I did get a few shots through the mirror when Emma happened to be directly in from of me. The quality is not that good, but here are a few I took today.
The Studio. You can see the door and mirror-window in the large mirror that runs the length of the opposite wall.
Hoop Jumping. They were supposed to do a ballet jump or leap of some kind from one hoop to the next.
The instructor helping Emma position her feet.
Emma jumping.
Most of the second part of class was tap dancing, but they were so far on the other side of the room I could only get this half shot of Emma.
One last picture of Emma, sorry it's blurry. Lest you think Emma is dancing to Swan Lake, she's not. This is the one time she was blissfully running/dancing around the room instead of following instructions!
One picture I didn't get was so cute. They made a conga line of the 4 girls and had them tap dance over to the water fountain in the studio. Emma was first! I'm not sure they were actually tap dancing, but it looked so cute! Unfortunately I could barely see it myself and the camera wouldn't pick it up through the mirror/window.
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