Monday, October 12, 2009


Today Emma surprised us with new words and phrases. While she was napping I cleaned off her Little Tikes table outside and brought it in. After she woke up I went upstairs to get her. As we were coming downstairs I told her that I had a surprise for her downstairs. She looked at me and said "surprise!" and threw her arms open. I'm not sure where she learned to say surprise but she knows it! She was very happy to see her table back in the house.

She can also now ask to nurse very clearly, not just by signing. She will say "I want nurse!" But she is ok when I explain that we only nurse at naptime and bedtime. Tonight during our bedtime routine, I was about to put her in her bed when she said "I want to rock". So we rocked in the rocking chair for a bit longer.

Her upper canines are finally through the gum but they are still hurting her. She has not been eating well at all over the last few weeks. She is even refusing her favorites like pasta, mac-n-cheese, bananas and eggs. She hardly ever eats her lunch at her Kid's Day Out school, but I think that's because she's distracted by everyone else's food. We are trying peanut butter now, and she seems to like it. But she didn't eat her peanut butter and jelly sandwich I made her today for school.

Emma also loves to say "Ahh-choo!" Yesterday she was eating goldfish crackers, and then she started playing with them. She took one in each hand, and held them over her head. Then she yelled "Ahh-choo" and threw the goldfish onto the table. She did this over and over until I asked her to eat her snack. I think she was pretending to sneeze goldfish out of her nose. Whenever I sneeze she always asks me if I'm alright and checks to see if I need a Kleenex.

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