Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My Little Miss Toddle-Bean

Emma has a new knick-name! Since she learned to walk and became a toddler, I've been calling her my little miss toddle-bean. She is such a joy, so happy and so curious about things. She has decided that the trash can is a great place to put her toys, so I've had to move the trash can up on the counter. It's not a great place for it, but I don't have any other options at the moment. Maybe she'll lose interest soon or even better, learn that I don't want her to throw her toys inside the trash can!

She's loves to ride on her little rocking Inchworm, pictured below. She really wants to get on it herself, but she can't quite get her leg over it yet. But she can fall off gracefully when she's done riding. She just laughs and smiles so much when she is on it!

She definitely knows the word 'kitty' now. Today I'm wearing a very old sweatshirt with a cat on it, and as soon as she saw it she pointed and said 'kitty'. She can also point out cats in her books and of course when our cats walk through the room she points and says 'kitty' to them.

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