Happy Birthday Emma!
Today our little Emma turned 1 year old. What an amazing and wonderful year this has been! We have truly been blessed with a joyful, happy little girl! We celebrated Emma's birthday with family and a few friends. All of Emma's grandparents were there, and her Aunt Jessica and Uncle Leland. I made Emma's cake, vanilla, and with my mom's help we decorated it into Winnie-the-Pooh. I also made a small round cake for Emma to play with and eat. Emma had a great time and really enjoyed her cake! She made a nice mess all over her face but somehow managed to avoid getting icing in her hair!
This past year has just been so incredible. She has grown so fast, and is now taking a few small steps. She took her first step on Christmas Eve, and on Saturday (12/27) she took two steps together on two separate occasions. She will also now walk around the room while holding onto your hands or fingers. She has been able to stand alone for about 5-30 seconds at time for the last few weeks. She's really working on her balance and I think she'll be walking by the end of January.
She's eating more real food and feeding herself more. She enjoyed ham, dressing, sweet potatoes, and peas for her Christmas dinner. She still loves toast and loves to eat real bananas now. She also tried avocado for the first time this month and seemed to enjoy it quite a lot.
She loves to talk on the phone! Everything has become a phone, from just her hand to any toy. She holds it up to her ear and says "huh!" which is her "hello." She also says "ba" for ball, and has been really working on her 'g' sound. She's says lots of things that sound like "guth", "gath", "gooth" and "goth." I believe that she also says "I love you" in her own little way. When I ask for a hug she gives it, arms around my neck and sometimes she pats my back. She also starts talking in a sweet little voice and to me it just sounds like she's whispering "I love you" in baby coos. It's so sweet and makes me feel so happy! She will also give you a wet kiss if you ask for it!