Sunday Emma turned 9 months old! Our baby is quickly approaching toddlerhood and we can see the little girl she is becoming. She’s a very happy girl, full of smiles, giggles, and lots of hugs and kisses.
Bath time has become very challenging. She wants to sit up and grab everything! Gone are the days of her laying happily in the tub, content to just kick her legs! She turns over, crawling around the tub, it’s really scary because I’m afraid she will hit her face or head against the tub. It’s time to get out the tub chair, I hope Emma likes it!
Tuesday we went to the pediatrician for her check-up. Here are her stats:
Weight: 23 pounds, 97th percentile
Height: 29 inches, 95th percentile
Head circumference: 90th percentile
Emma can now eat meat, cheese and yogurt, so we will be starting some new things soon. She is pulling up on everything, but so far she’s not taking any steps. She did manage to crawl up onto a paper box, which has since been removed from her reach! She is learning to pet the kitties gently, with our help. She loves Sesame Street, and anything that has music. She likes to dance to the music; her little booty shaking to the beat is the cutest thing! She also loves other babies and children, she smiles and laughs and tries to grab any babies she is near.
What Emma is watching: Sesame Street’s 25th Birthday: A Musical Celebration
What Emma is listening to: Giggly, Wiggly, Silly Songs, Vol. 1 & 2
What Mommy is reading to Emma: Baby Animals, Hippos Go Berserk, The Runaway Bunny